A tornado of passion and a believer in people. Dawn devotes her life to making good come from bad, and is hellbent on leaving a positive mark on this world by inspiring others to discover the possibility and strength already living inside of them. She’s a businesswoman, a story-teller, a writer, a speaker, a communications strategist, an entrepreneur, a health and fitness crusader, a former pastor, a foodie, a craft cocktail and wine lover, and a zealot of possibility.

She’s a storyteller at heart — telling stories, shaping messages, and using words, humanness, and vulnerability to connect with the hearts of real people and inspiring them to action. As a businesswoman, she’s known for being thoughtful, strategic, and connecting with people. As a woman who lives to inspire, she’s known for being vulnerable and sharing her story and first-hand life lessons (from 100+ pound weight loss, to three complicated spinal surgeries, to loss, to the jarring and horrific murder of her best friend, to career change, to plain-old real life feelings that many are hesitant to discuss) to help others on their own journeys, whatever they may be.

She believes in people — especially believes in what they’re capable of when they’re engaged and informed. She values organizational culture and heart, and believes in staying true to who you are…and helping others who strive to do the same.